Title Screen Design
My focus this week was the title screen. Now, I had a few ideas on what to make for it and the team agreed with the direction I was taking. Early on, I wanted to have a nice environmental scene that provided little hints to what kind of game they were playing. In the foreground there is a cliff with a tribe’s mask and some tattered team banners with insignias, and in the distance would be a ravine with the summoning circle’s aurora. For the scene, I modeled multiple iterations of the mountains and played around with their positions for a nice setup. Below is the current state of the title screen:

Win Screen Models
Next week I’ll start creating the win screens with Gabe. Currently we have all of the information displaying correctly, but we need to have the screen show the players either cheering that they won, or sad that they lost. We also need to design and model the area they will be.
To get a head start on this, I began modeling some flags and banners. I have two designs below shown in Maya and textured for Unity. In addition to texturing the model, I’ve added a Cloth component to the flags to simulate gravity and wind. I plan to have a few of these in the title screen, but they would fit in the win screen too.
Grass/Moss Shader
Over the past few weeks I have worked on a triplanar grass shader separately from the project. It’s taken around 3 weeks to create, but I never thought to count my hours towards this project because I never thought it was going to be added in. Despite this, it was added in this week during my work with the Title Screen. The mountains I modeled above were perfect for this shader to be used because it would save me or the artist responsible for texturing the mountains several hours of work. Now, I can just slap on the material and “WHAMO” it works.

What Went Well?
The title screen is coming along. I’m also really happy that my grass shader is making it into the game after all the work I had put into it.
What Could Have Gone Better?
Nothing much. Just another “I could have put more time into the project” sort of reflection. But, I took a break over the weekend to go to a concert. It took me away from my work, however, in the end I needed a bit of a break to re-focus on the tasks ahead.
Hours (48hrs)
Title Screen (5hrs)
Banners (1hr)
Grass Shaders (40hrs)
Meetings (2hrs)

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